Known Issues


iOS 7.0 issues: Note from the developer

iTreadmill currently does not work properly with iOS 7.
I am very sorry for the delay in providing an update for the latest version of iOS. I am currently recovering from a surprise brain aneurysm rupture / hemorrhagic stroke that I suffered several months ago, and unfortunately was unable to update the app ahead of the iOS 7 release. However, while I am still recovering, I am now able to work on the app again and hope to submit an update for iOS 7 very soon.

I have already started work on the update and have fixed the following errors so far:

1) Black button truncated horizontally
2) Music playlist screen sometimes is blank white
3) General aesthetic cleanup from iOS 7 changes to standard graphics
4) Graph issues

I am currently working on the following issues:

1) iTreadmill sometimes times out or pauses during operation in a pocket.

This is due to a problem with how the proximity sensor works in iOS 7. Sometimes once the screen blanks, it pauses iTreadmill, or sometimes the screen becomes active again even though the device is still in your pocket. This is a big problem because it may unexpectedly stop recording your activity. Fortunately, there is a temporary workaround that will allow you to continue using iTreadmill until the iOS 7 update appears on the App Store. The workaround is detailed in the next section below.

If you are experiencing other problems besides these, please first reboot your device (complete shut down, then turn back on again). This may clear up any residual memory corruption issues from the iOS 7 update, which sometimes causes app problems after iOS updates.

Then, if you still have issues other than what is listed above, please email me at and let me know. Please tell me which device you are using so that I can test on the same device that you have.

Because I am still in recovery, I rely on iTreadmill as heavily as any user and am highly motivated to get it all fixed ASAP for you and for me! When I first came home from the hospital, I could not even sit up. Months later, I am now able to use iTreadmill to take walks with my wife around the neighborhood and sometimes on a real treadmill, using iTreadmill to record my progress. It is my hope that iTreadmill can be beneficial to improving and maintaining your health as it has been for me.

-- ricky amano, developer of iTreadmill

Brain Aneurysm Awareness:

Ricky Amano, the developer of iTreadmill, suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm in February 2013. Although he had a stroke, he was misdiagnosed twice until the aneurysm was discovered 5 days later.

While he miraculously survived, about 80% either die or suffer permanent neurological deficits. Lack of awareness is a significant problem, as victims are commonly misdiagnosed. A link to his story is provided below in order to increase awareness and help prevent tragedy from devastating other families.

September is Brain Aneurysm Awareness month.

Please click here for Ricky's story
